The Falcon - unicornography

  • The Falcon - unicornography

The Falcon - unicornography

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Members of The Lawrence Arms and Alkaline Trio reunited for a proper full length! Yep, The Falcon is back and these aren't throw-away songs from their other bands. No ma'am, these tunes have been percolating for the last two years and they are truly a departure from what you've heard before. There's everything from Clash-esque ska to balls-out rock reminiscient of Guns N' Roses. And unlike the EP where everything was tracked in their bedrooms and kitchens, they actually used a real studio this time! Genuine professionals. Fans of Midwest punk have waited two years for more songs from The Falcon, and "Unicornography" has landed!
01. The Angry Cry Of The Angry Pie
02. Blackout
03. The La-Z-Boy 500
04. Little Triggers
05. The Celebutard Chronicles
06. The Routes We Wander
07. The Longshoreman’s Lament
08. Unicorn Odyssey
09. R.L. Burnouts Inc.
10. Building The Even More Perfect Asshole Parade
11. When I Give The Signal, Run!

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